1914 – WWI National Service

The Brigade was keen to recognise all the Voluntary ‘National Service’ being done by BB boys, possibly to counteract any criticism which may have stemmed from its lack of enthusiasm to ‘sign up’ for the Cadets. The BB Gazette of June1915 had the intimation of a new ‘…National Service Badge… for voluntary and unpaid service performed out of school or business hours in connection with the war… not less than 100hours to such service.’

From October 1915, the badge was available until the end of 1920 when stocks were exhausted. Full details of the design and requirements were published in the BB Gazette of October 1915:

The Boys’ Brigade Badge for National Service.

  1. A Badge for National Service may be awarded on the recommendation of Captains of Companies to Boys of the Brigade and to Staff-Sergeants under 19 years of age, for voluntary and unpaid service performed out of school or business hours in connection with the war.
  2. Boys shall have given a total of not less than 100 hours to such service.
  3. The Badge shall take the form of a laurel wreath surrounding the B.B. Anchor with the words ” The Boys’ Brigade—National Service.”
  4. The Badge shall be worn on the left arm (below the King’sBadge if worn).
  5. Application for the Badge shall be made on the form provided, stating clearly the nature of the service; the Officer commanding the Company certifying that the conditions have been fulfilled.
  6. Each Badge shall be accompanied by a printed letter of commendation from the Brigade President.
  7. Applications for Badges must, in the case of Battalions, be forwarded by the Battalion Authorities.

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