Get Up and Go
Get Up and Go was the title of an initiative where The Boys’ Brigade was partnered with three charities, Asthma UK, Barnardo’s and WWF covering the areas of Health, Conservation and Child welfare, to provide age relevant resources for BB groups to raise understanding and awareness of issues and encourage members to get involved and make a difference. In October 2010 the ‘Essentials Guide’ to Get up and Go was sent out to all Company Captains, so that they would be ready to start with the programme in the beginning of 2011.
The scheme ran from January 2011 to December 2012, and was centered around three key ideals:
Raising awareness: This part of the project was designed to help the group learn more about the chosen charity, their cause, and how they are making a difference.
Raising Money: Raising funds for the chosen charity.
Getting involved: Providing opportunities to take a direct approach and create change through campaigning and volunteering.
Each of the partner charities produced a set of activity packs for the three relevant age groups, and these were available to download on the BB UK website. The packs were designed for the specific Boys’ Brigade age group structure, and contained educational programme resources, information about the charities, fundraising ideas etc.
Recognition for taking part in Get Up and Go, whether it be raising awareness, raising money or by getting involved through campaigning, volunteering etc, was available with the issue of certificates and a badge.
A generic certificate was available to be downloaded and printed off and given out to members who had taken part. Additionally there were specifically designed certificates for each charity also available online.
A special badge was also produced to be awarded to members who participated in the programme to an acceptable standard. This was allowed to be worn in uniform by all sections, on the right armband in the middle row, for the duration of their membership.