1947 – Carronvale House opening

BB Gazette Vol.56 No.1 October 1947

June 28th dawned fair, and Carronvale in midsummer attire was at its best when the official opening by the Earl of Home took place, before a gathering of some twelve hundred Officers, Leaders and their friends. At 4 o’clock a fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival . of Lord Home accompanied by the Duke of Hamilton, Sir Joseph Maclay, Lord Mackintosh, Sir William Scott and Dr. J. Martin Strang.

The opening service of dedication conducted by the Rev. W. Roy Sanderson was impressive in its simplicity. “We dedicate this House in the name of the Father and of the Son’ and of the Holy Spirit. To those who come in and out of this place may it be a House of fellowship and a home of Thy spirit. Grant to them a clear vision and a faith sure and stedfast, that they may offer their own gifts in Thy service, and by their example enable those they lead to bring what they have to Christ to be enriched and used by Him. We ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ, Master of men and the Friend of Boys.”

In the course of his speech, declaring the House open, Lord Home said: “We, in our time, have held fast to the ideals of our great Founder. May those who come after us act likewise. You and I look forward, with confidence to the training of the Boys of to-day, here and elsewhere, to become morally and physically: fit for the stewardship and adventure of life. But what about the Boys in the to-morrow when they cross the threshold of manhood? Will they still be true and stedfast and be a great influence for good in the homes they found and the community in which they live? I am sure they will not allow themselves to be infected with the disastrous germ of thoughtless Godlessness which is so prevalent in our own and other lands to-day. ”May the Officers and Boys of to-day and the future: find true Christian homes. May they be sure and stedfast, and keep the laughter and smiles of happy boyhood right on to the end of the road.”

After the opening ceremony the House was ready for inspection. Tea was served on the lawns; and there followed displays by the Glasgow Battalion, with musical performances by the 3rd Edinburgh Brass Band and the Scottish Pipe Band soon to set forth on its expedition to Denmark.

A memorable day, another milestone on the road to high accomplishment, another advance by the B.B. in Scotland. Hail Caledonia !

Carronvale 1947.06 service of dedication

Carronvale 1947.06 opening Programme


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