1983 – Train naming
1983 – Train naming
On Saturday 9th April, Glasgow Central Station welcomed scores of ‘BB’ pipers, drummers, buglers, gymnasts, and a host of parents and friends to witness the naming of locomotive 86243 ‘The Boys’ Brigade’.
The Boys’ Brigade and British Rail joined together to make this a memorable event in the Centenary year and Sir David McNee, formerly Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and Chief Constable of Strathclyde performed at the ceremony. Sir David was a Brigade Hon. Vice-President and in his youth rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant in the 58th Glasgow Company. He was accompanied by the Brigade President and Mr Leslie Soane, General Manager of BR Scotland — also a former BB Boy.
It was also most appropriate that the driver for the inaugural run on the Inter-City London-Euston route was another former BB member, Mr Arthur Wright, who was a boy in the 203rd Glasgow Company. The 10.10am Royal Scot, after being christened, was waved off by Sir David and started its journey south.
On route it stopped at Carlisle and Preston, where rousing receptions were given by local BB Companies and where the respective Mayors were presented with a Hornby model of the locomotive.
At 3.38pm, the train pulled into Euston for another enthusiastic BB welcome by the London District. Again, BB bands and gymnasts performed and everyone travelling on the train received a memento of the journey.
Sir Peter Parker, Chairman of British Rail, sent the following message:
I am sorry that I cannot be with you at Euston this afternoon to welcome the Royal Scot, especially as it was hauled from Glasgow by locomotive No. 86243 – which this morning was named ‘The Boys’ Brigade’ to mark the centenary of your great movement. I am, however, delighted that British Rail has been able to play a small part in what will, I am sure, be an extremely exciting and busy year for you all in The Boys’ Brigade. Long may The Boys’ Brigade movement continue to flourish. My congratulations to you all.