Campbell T – 1957
BB Gazette Vol.66 No.2 – The Boys’ Brigade Cross for Heroism has been awarded to Corporal Thomas Campbell, age 17, of the 173rd Glasgow Company.
On 22nd July 1957 a party of Officers and Boys of the joint Camp of the 127th and 173rd Glasgow Companies were bathing in the sea while at Camp at Hedderwick, near Dunbar. Quite suddenly the sea turned rough and a violent undertow developed which carried all concerned out to sea. The alarm was raised and Campbell, who was on duty in Camp, immediately ran to the scene, a distance of l.5 miles, and despite warnings not to enter, immediately plunged into the sea. The sea at this stage was involving Officers and Boys alike in an exhausting battle to get to the shore. Campbell succeeded in reaching a Boy who was obviously exhausted but so violent was the sea that rescuers and rescued were all in imminent danger of drowning. Unfortunately one Boy was drowned, but after a long and prolonged struggle the others reached the shore, where all needed medical attention. Campbell showed complete disregard for his own safety, and in company with some of the others in the party was removed to hospital.