Macdonald A – 1917
BB Gazette Vol.26 No.2 – The Brigade Executive have awarded the Cross for Heroism to Corporal Alexander Macdonald, 35th Aberdeen Company, for rescuing a Boy from drowning in the River Don.
Aberdeen Journal, 26th November 1917 – On Friday evening an entertainment was given by the Aberdeen Battalion of the Boys’ Brigade in the Music Hall, which was crowded, there being an audience of 1900 boys. The chief event of the evening was the presentation to Corporal Alexander MacDonald…. The Boys’ Brigade Cross for Heroism and the parchment of the Royal Humane Society.
On the afternoon of July 26th, Macdonald was fishing from the bank at the mouth of the Don. Some boys were at the time paddling in the water. One of the disappeared and the cry arose – “Is there anyone here who can swim?” Without a moments hesitation, Macdonald threw off his coat, and, plunged in, swam some 30 feet and then dived to the bottom of the Don and brought the drowning boy to the shore, where after artificial respiration had been applied, he revived.
Heartily shaking Macdonald by the hand, the Lord Provost, amid loud applause for the audience…. fastened the cross to his breast.