
The Charity is constituted as an unincorporated association, registered by the Charity Commission of England and Wales under registration number 1108881

The Charity’s objects are to advance the education of the public in particular, but not exclusively, by the preservation of records, assets, artefacts, equipment and other chattels of The Boys’ Brigade and related and subsidiary organisations.

The Charity is governed by a board of Trustees who support the work of The Boys’ Brigade archivist and volunteers.


The Boys’ Brigade Archive Trust relies on supporters to further the preservation and promotion of the Heritage of The Boys’ Brigade, ensuring that is is accessible and relevant to future generations of young people. If you are able to support our work though a financial donation, by the donation of artifacts, photographs and paperwork of by volunteering please click on the links below. If you wish receive our monthly newsletter please sign up. We look forward to hearing from you and advancing the work of The Boys’ Brigade Archive Trust.

Whats' new

Our volunteer researchers are constantly developing content for The Boys’ Brigade Virtual Museum.

Links to our brand new content can be found below.