Burrell J – 1911
BB Gazette Vol.20 No.5 – The Brigade Executive have awarded the Cross to Lance-Corporal James Burrell, aged 16, 1st Burnley Company, for saving his brother from drowning in the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.
Burnley Gazette November 4th 1911 – BROTHER’S PLUCKY RESCUE – PROMOTION FOR BURNLEY LAD’S BRAVERY – In the commanding officer’s orders for the Burnley Boys’ Brigade this week, Private James Burrell, of the 1st Burnley Company, has been promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal, for bravery. On October 14th James, along with his brother and other lads, went to swim in the canal near Slaters Bridge and, although he could not swim, the younger brother divested himself of his clothing, in keeping with the other lads. Soon after entering the water, however, he lost his foothold and became helpless in the water. James ? after him, and had to give up his hold upon his brother because the unfortunate lad had seized his rescuer by the throat. The lad was now unconscious and, after a second attempt, was got to the bank. Artificial respiration was tried and the lad was revived.
On Tuesday evening James received promotion, and the C.O. promised to report the matter to the Headquarters Executive, with the objective of securing for Lance Corporal Burrell the Boys’ Brigade V.C.

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