Chamberlain C – 1921
BB Gazette Vol.30 No.3 – Cross for Heroism. Award to Brave Exeter Boys. A double honour has fallen on the 1st Exeter Company, to whose members two Crosses for Heroism have recently been awarded. The Boys who have brought this distinction to the Company are the late Lance-Corporal Cyril Ralph Chamberlain and Private Frank Leslie King. No greater praise can be given to them than the statement that Cyril gave his life in an effort to save the life of a comrade.
A party of four Boys was bathing in the River Exe, when one of the Boys, named Jennings, got into difficulties in deep water. Two of his companions, Cyril and Frank, made heroic efforts to save him. Cyril, who was not a strong swimmer, became exhausted by his efforts at rescue, sank and was drowned. Frank continued his efforts, but before assistance could reach him he too was exhausted, and his attempt to effect the rescue proved vain.
The Executive has awarded the Cross for Heroism to Frank, and in the case of Cyril the Cross has been presented to his father.

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