Cousins A – 1919
BB Gazette Vol.27 No.5 – The Brigade Executive have awarded the Cross for Heroism to Corporal Arthur Cousins, 8th Nottingham Company, for saving a Boy from drowning in the River Trent.
The circumstances in which Corporal Cousins performed the plucky act of rescue were as follows: He and another Boy, Daunt, started to swim across the Trent, which at the point is no yards wide and 9 feet deep, and with a considerable current running. Both got safely across, but Daunt, not being a good swimmer, was warned of the danger he incurred. Cousins plunged in to swim back across the river and was about half way over when Daunt followed him. Cousins had almost reached the opposite bank when Daunt, who was about half way across, suddenly sank, but coming to the surface again was able to call out for help. On hearing the cry, Cousins at once started to swim back and was just in time to catch Daunt before he again disappeared. Although Daunt was a year older and a bigger lad than Cousins (who is only 15), the latter managed to hold him up until the Baths-man came. Great credit is due to Cousins for his coolness, courage and self-sacrifice, which were the means of saving the other Boy’s life.
The award was presented at a meeting of the Nottingham City Council on 3rd February 1919.

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