Edwards W 1910
BB Gazette Vol.18 No.10 – Sergeant Walter Edwards, aged 17, 11th Manchester Company, for attempting the rescue of a comrade who had fallen down a mine shaft, on nth September, 1909. Sergeant Edwards has also been awarded a Silver Watch and £3 from the Carnegie Hero Trust Fund.
Carnegie Heroes Fund, Case 203 – Walter Edwards, 17 years of age, Willie Pennigton …, and George Smith …, all of Salford, on the 11th September 1909, went down the shaft of a mine 80 feet deep, with the object of rescuing a companion who had fallen down the shaft, and who afterwards died from the injuries received. A party of twelve lads, members of a Sunday evening class, were having an excursion in the neighbourhood of Manchester under the guidance of their teacher. They came upon a disused copper mine. A number of the lads entered a tunnel in connection with it, using matches to light their way. After they had proceeded about 120 yards down the tunnel, one of them in the darkness fell into the shaft, which was afterwards found to be 80 feet deep. Ropes were procured, also a lamp and candles, from the neighbouring farm. Edwards volunteered to allow himself to be lowered, although no one knew what the depth of the shaft was, or what might be found at the bottom. When he reached the bottom he shouted for further help, when Willie Pennigton volunteered to go down. They shouted for further help, when a third lad, named George Smith, went down. The three lads succeeded in getting the rope fastened round their companion, who was hauled up but died shortly afterwards. Edwards saw both of his companions hauled up first, and afterwards reached the top himself after having being in the shaft about 1 1/2 hours. The Trustees awarded Walter Edwards a silver watch with a suitable inscription and the sum of £3. A special award in addition was made to Walter Edwards, namely, the sum of £5 and an allowance of 5s per week for one year.

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