Esmie G – 1974
BB Gazette Vol.82 No.4 – The Boys’ Brigade Cross for Heroism has been awarded posthumously to Private Glenroy Esmie of the 32nd Jamaica Company, the first time the award has been made to a Boy in Jamaica. He succeeded in saving another Boy from drowning in the sea but unfortunately lost his own life in doing so.
The Boys’ Brigade Jamaica. Annual Report 1974 – The awards of The Brigade Cross For Heroism was made posthumously to Private Glenroy Esmie of the 32nd Jamaica Company. In so far as we are aware that was the first occasion on which the award was made in Jamaica. It is unfortunate that the circumstances giving rise to the award, have resulted in the loss of the life of one of our boys.
His Excellency The Governor General The Most Honourable Florizel Glasspole, O.W, C.D, most graciously presented the Cross to Esmie’s parents at the welcome parade on the 16th March, 1974.
Set out below is the citation in connection with the award: Private Glenroy Esmie was a member of the 32nd Jamaica Company of The Boys’ Brigade attached to the East Queen Street Baptist Church. During the three years he spent in The Boys’ Brigade he made his impact upon the other boys of the company and demonstrated such qualities as obedience, faithfulness, respectfulness, kindness and a general friendliness and love for his comrade and other boys.
Already he had demonstrated his leadership potentials and shown keenness in the various company activities always doing his best for his Brigade company whether in the field of sports, on the parade square, or in general Brigade life. During the week in which he died he attended the monthly Church Parade on the Sunday, Company Bible Class on the Sunday, and Company Parade on the Wednesday.
He was only prevented from taking the Scripture Knowledge Examination on the Friday because he died that day. It was his love for his fellowmen which cost him his life. On Friday 15th June, 1973, while on an assignment at Port Royal with other scholars from his school, he heard the cry for ”Help” from a boy who got into difficulties while swimming in the sea. Private Esmie went into the sea and was instrumental in saving the lads life. Unfortunately he did not return from that “Journey of Godwill” and his relatives and comrades did not have the opportunity of seeing his mortal remains as his body was never recovered.
He gave his life in order that another boy might live.

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