Herriott S – 1979
BB Gazette Vol.89 No.3 – The Cross for Heroism has been awarded to Simon John Herriott of the Junior Section of the 2nd Ruislip Company.
During the evening of 3rd December 1979 Simon was alone at home with his younger brother James, aged two. Their mother had gone out briefly to escort an older brother to football training nearby.
An intruder (who was later found to be mentally ill) broke into the house and, picking up a kitchen knife, stabbed Simon twice in the back. Simon ran into the street to get help and then remembered that James was still in the house, as was the intruder. Despite the obvious danger Simon went back into the house, grabbed his brother and ran with him into the street. While he was telling a male passer-by about the attack, James ran back into the house and Simon had to go back to get him. By this time he was weak and breathless, his lung having collapsed.
Both boys were then taken to hospital where Simon needed intensive care for the first three of the eight days he spent in hospital.
Simon is the youngest recipient of the award and the medal was presented to him at the London District Display in the Royal Albert Hall, on 9th May 1981, by David Pickford, London District President. The applause was tumultuous, and ended only when the lights were switched off.
Simon’s heroic act was featured in The Boys’ Brigade diary for 1982.
The award was made outside the normal time limit as Simon’s action did not become public knowledge until the matter was dealt with at Crown Court, when Judge Alan Trapnell said, “We have nothing but admiration for the way that young boy acted – it deserves great praise.”