Sure & Stedfast
1946 recorded the highest cinema admissions in the UK, and film and cinemas were an extremely popular medium for advertising and promotion. The Brigade produced a 15-minute film in 1947, which could be shown on the large cinema screens or in the local church hall, often together with a screening of a free feature film, aimed at attracting the attention of potential recruits.
The BB Gazette announcement of October 1947 implied that it may not have gone as well as planned:
As many will have gathered from recent pronouncements, the making of films is an undertaking which is going through a period of vicissitude. The new B.B. film. Sure and Stedfast, has not been immune from the slings and arrows of an outrageous fortune—in other words it has been held up by some unavoidable but exasperating delays. We are glad, however, that it can now be announced as ready for use as a 16 mm. sound film. A silent version of the film will also be available for those who have not the apparatus for sound films.
Subsequent issues of the BB Gazettes promoted the film together with hire costs, and reports indicated that there had been a good uptake of the film, with it being used as far afield as Southern Rhodesia, Australia, and New Zealand. The hiring charge was 10/- for two days and 2/- for each subsequent day, for the 800-foot 16mm film. The standard size film (35 mm.) was also available to be shown on the Odeon and Gaumont circuit of Children’s Cinema Clubs.