Life Boys
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The Life Boys was created following the amalgamation of The Boys’ Brigade and The Boys’ Life Brigade in 1926. Both movements had their own junior organisations which would merge under the new name. The Boy Reserves was the name used by The Boys’ Brigade which was formed in 1917 and the Boys’ Life Brigade used the name The Lifeboys which started in 1920.
Although both junior organisations were in their infancy prior to amalgamation numbers had grown impressively and by 1926 The Boys Reserves had 646 Sections with 18,928 Boys and The Lifeboys 332 Teams with 7.965 Boys. Ten years later these numbers were to double signifying both the popularity and success but also the importance of recruitment and transfer of Boys to The Boys’ Brigade.
Changes and agreement were required between The Boys’ Brigade and The Boys’ Life Brigade and even though The Boys Reserves were numerically stronger, most of the terminology and methods of The Lifeboys were adopted after 1926. New terms were standardised such as Areas, Teams, Leader and Leader in Charge. Other areas that required agreement were uniforms, badges and methods of teaching. However the object used by The Boy Reserves remained unaltered – “The advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys and the training of a body of suitable recruits for The Boys’ Brigade’.

The story in more detail
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