Macdonald I – 1961
BB Gazette Vol.70 No.1 – The Boys’ Brigade Cross for Heroism has been awarded to Thomas Connell, aged 14, and to Ian MacDonald, aged 15, both of the 1st Bermuda Company, The West Indies.
In June last the Boys together with an airline official set out from South Shore, Bermuda, for a fishing trip in a motorboat. About 500 yards off-shore the boat was swamped by high seas. They all clung to the boat for a time then had to abandon it as there was the danger of them being crushed between a reef and the boat.
The man knew both of the Boys were strong swimmers and felt the swim to the shore was also within his own capabilities. However, after 100 yards he was tiring quickly and because of the height of the breakers, was swallowing quantities of water.
Both Boys gave him assistance until the arrival of a rescue boat, which, owing to the heavy swell and strong tide, took about 30 minutes, and the rescued man has testified that they risked their own lives in order to save him.